Service Tree

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Religious Worker Visas

Taxonomy Code: FT-3600.6250-700

Programs that assist in filing petitions for permits which allow admission, on a temporary basis, of foreign nationals who have been members of a legitimate religious denomination for at least two years, and immediate family members, for the purpose of working for a nonprofit affiliate of the same religious organization for a period of no more than five years. Foreign nationals applying for religious workers visa status must be ministers of a religion, professional religious workers, persons involved in a religious vocation or occupation, or general employees working for a religious, nonprofit denomination in their own country which is affiliated with their prospective place of employment in the U.S. Examples of religious workers include ministers and other clergy, nuns, monks, religious brothers and sisters, liturgical workers, religious instructors or cantors, catechists, workers in religious hospitals, missionaries, religious translators, and religious broadcasters.

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